The greatest FPS of all time Starsiege: Tribes, is now free-to-play. Each config listed here comes with everything you need to get started.

Starsiege: Tribes (commonly referred to simply as Tribes) is a sci-fi FPS video game. It is the first of the Tribes video game series and follows the story from Earthsiege and Starsiege. It was developed by Dynamix and published by the company now known as Sierra Entertainment in 1998.

Tribes was one of the first online-only games of its kind and sported several multiplayer features that other games have only recently included (32+ player support, 128 players max, troop transport vehicles, several different player classes). Most of the standard maps were outdoors in a variety of climates, from sunshine to snow and hail. In general, bases were scattered throughout the map depending on the gametype. The outdoor environments were and still are relatively huge, extending for several kilometers in any direction, but "jetting" and "skiing" gave Tribes a fast-paced feel.

The customization for Tribes is almost endless with the ability to change virtually anything, from huds, to skins, and even textures. Check out the configs section for more if one of the main three don't suit you, and the scripts section if you want to get your hands dirty.

Where to play

Pubs run nightly starting around 8pm EST in Rosco's Mixtape. Organized pickup games run out of #base-and-lt channel on Starsiege: Tribes Discord, and #pugs channel on the Spinfusor Discord.

Master Server

Join us on Discord

Starsiege: Tribes


The official, unofficial Tribes 1 server. Discuss things with other T1 players, join PUGs and PUBs, and get help with any config needs.



A server created to provide a more welcoming gaming experience for new or returning players. Sign up for noob friendly PUGs or simply discuss T1.

New Configs

Milk_Man_Tribes 1.11

Created by Thumper
Version: 1.0
Released: Jul 11, 2024
Downloads: 13

Tribes Minimalist

Created by v0dkA
Version: 1.0
Released: Mar 16, 2024
Downloads: 77

Tribes Basic: v0dkA

Created by v0dkA
Version: 1.0
Released: Mar 16, 2024
Downloads: 70

New Scripts


Created by Link
Version: 0.3
Released: Jul 01, 2024
Downloads: 11


Created by Lemon
Version: 1.0
Released: Mar 14, 2024
Downloads: 43

Demo Script Package

Created by Multiple
Version: 1.0
Released: Mar 14, 2024
Downloads: 47

New Misc

Gray/Blue Weapon Pack

Created by v0dkA
Version: 1.0
Released: May 21, 2024
Downloads: 23

Blue Rough Pack

Created by v0dkA
Version: 1.0
Released: May 21, 2024
Downloads: 34

Blood Eagle - Basic

Created by v0dkA
Version: 1.0
Released: May 12, 2024
Downloads: 26